Making Our Homes Safe Enough to Stay

April 4, 2012 in

A few weeks ago DEM posted about our experience visiting the Safe Enough to Stay exhibit at the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR). The exhibit is free and available to anyone interested in learning how to make their home safe enough to stay after an earthquake. The last day the exhibit is open is April 18th, which also marks the 106th anniversary of the Great San Francisco Earthquake and Fire. The goal of the exhibit is to help visitors of the exhibit visualize themselves staying at home after an earthquake (as opposed to leaving their homes and going to a shelter); plan the tasks needed to make our homes safe enough to stay; and inspire visitors of the exhibit to conduct and complete these tasks—therefore making our homes safe enough to stay a reality.


For those of us who may not be able to visit the exhibit in person, take a video recorded visual tour of the exhibit with the Neighborhood Empowerment Network (NEN) Director Daniel Homsey and Laurence Kornfield, Program Manager for the Community Action Plan for Seismic Safety with the City and County of San Francisco General Services Agency and under whose leadership Safe Enough to Stay was created.

Thanks to NEN for capturing the Safe Enough to Stay exhibit for posterity!

Empowering Communities to be Safe Enough to Stay from NENtv on Vimeo.