Be on the Lookout for COVID-19 Vaccine Scams

City, State, or Federal government staff may call you to ask questions regarding COVID-19. They will only ask health and public safety-related questions. It is crucial that you help them in their efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19. It is also important that you don’t give your personal information to crooks who pretend to be legitimate.
Unfortunately, there are scammers trying to take advantage of this crisis and trying to take advantage of you. Here are some tips to identify and avoid coronavirus-related scams:
- A legitimate contact tracer or other health and safety worker will not ask for your Social Security, bank account, or credit card numbers.
- Ignore offers for vaccinations, home test kits, and products to treat or prevent COVID-19. Scammers make illegal calls and offer false products or services to get your money and personal information.
- Hang up on robocalls. Better yet, don’t answer your phone unless it is a number you recognize. Let unknown callers go to voicemail. Let them leave a message and you can choose how to respond.
- Don’t click on links in unexpected emails or texts. Make sure any link is legitimate before clicking on it.
- Don’t let anyone pressure or rush you into making a donation or providing your personal information.
We all like to think the best of others and you might be reluctant to hang up on someone who seems friendly and charming. Scammers can be persuasive and are skilled at tricking others into giving out more information than they realize. Please stay safe from COVID-19 and from those who seek to take advantage of others.
For the latest information on scams: