Set up your meet up.
First, make an emergency plan with your inner circle of friends, relatives, or immediate family. That way, you will each know what to do in an emergency.
What basics does your plan need to include?
Select a few of your nearest and dearest. Who’s the group you’ll want to get in touch with if something happens?
Pick an out of state contact. Who can serve as a hub for information, if you can’t reach others in your local area?
Agree on a place to meet. How about a park? A landmark? Don’t choose a house—in case it’s inaccessible.
Print this.
Use the simple forms in this pdf to make a plan with a few people close to you, so you all know what to do in the event of an emergency. Print a copy for yourself, and email or print copies for the people in your group. Stick your copy on the fridge—or somewhere else you won’t forget.

What to do.
Print our Quake Guide to learn a few easy steps to keep your cool when the earth shakes.