Fear Factor
Nothing grabs headlines like fear. In some circles, yesterday’s earthquake in Southern California was cast as a foreshock to the apocalypse. Cue the scenes of a volcano erupting in Los Angeles and an asteroid hurling towards earth. Somebody better call Tommy Lee Jones and Bruce Willis because we need a hero!
Are we scared yet? Okay, now let’s all take a step back from the ledge.
Yesterday’s 4.7 tremor? A simple reminder we live in earthquake country– instead of believing the hype, let’s take small steps towards individual and community resilience.
You are more prepared than you think! If the power goes out, you have a flashlight handy, and you know who can pick up your kids if you get stuck at work. You adapt and move on - disaster averted! By managing everyday life you already have what it takes. So take simple actions now to make life easier when an earthquake happens!
72 hours is a great starting point for preparedness – it’s the first step in preparing yourself and your family for a disaster. Simple tips include keeping a bag of stuff to get you by for 3 days, having an out-of-state contact, and making sure your family has a safe meeting spot.
So what about heroes? Who is going to save the day? You will - and so will your neighbors.
In the event of an emergency, communities come together. Past disasters – from Sandy to Fukushima – have proven resilience because of people helping each other. Being prepared is not just about getting your supplies together; it’s about knowing your neighbors, lending a hand, and sharing your knowledge and skills to help your community.
Take the time to meet your neighbors - at home, at work, or through social networks. After all, these are the people we rely on everyday no matter the crisis!
For more small steps and ways to get connected check out: www.72hours.org. You can also check out our SFHeroes app for mobile devices!