Golden Gate Bridge Closure Reminds Us to Plan Ahead
By now you've probably received the word: The Golden Gate Bridge will be closed to vehicle traffic from 12:01 a.m. Saturday, January 10 to 4:00 a.m. Monday, January 12. If you had to use the bridge to get to where you are going, then you've probably made alternate plans or re-arranged your schedule. If you haven’t,then we recommend visiting to see what your options are. Advanced notice is helpful—it helps you plan ahead. Emergencies work the same way. A little planning makes things a little bit easier when the unexpected happens. So what should your plan include?

A little foresight can go a long way—make a plan now, so you know how to find and get in touch with your people when something happens. The same connections that are important in everyday life—with friends, family, neighbors, and communities—are even more crucial in a crisis.